Boulder County Enacts Stage 1 Fire Restrictions
As of 12:01 a.m. Friday (June 25), unincorporated areas of western Boulder County have been placed under Stage 1 fire restrictions.
According to a June 24 press release from the Boulder County Sheriff's Office, the fire restrictions, which were enacted by Acting Sheriff Tom Sloan, were implemented due to increasing fire danger, lack of moisture, and the forecast for hot temperatures.
In addition, severe to extreme drought conditions throughout the state - and across the West - could potentially impact the the ability to obtain suppression resources should a fire erupt in Boulder County.

Fire restrictions are currently in place for the following unincorporated areas of western Boulder County:
- West of CO Highway 93 (CO-93), from its intersection with the southern boundary of Boulder County until, and including, its intersection with CO Highway 119 (CO-119)
- West of Broadway Avenue in the City of Boulder, from its intersection with CO-119 until, and including, its intersection with US Highway 36 (US-36)
- West of US-36, from its intersection with Broadway Avenue until its intersection with the northern boundary of Boulder County
- West of the western boundary of the Rabbit Mountain Open Space until, and including, US-36
- All of the Rabbit Mountain Open Space property
The fire ban prohibits building, maintaining, attending, or using an open fire, campfire, or stove fire; this includes charcoal barbecues and grills. The ban also prohibits:
- Fireworks sales, use, and possession, including permissible fireworks
- Shooting or discharge of firearms for recreational purposes except for hunting with a valid and current hunting license on public lands
- Smoking, except in an enclosed vehicle or building, a developed recreation site, or while stopped in an area at least 10 feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable materials
- Operating a chainsaw without a USDA or SAE approved spark arrester properly installed and in effective working order
- Welding or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame except in cleared areas of at least 10 feet in diameter and in possession of a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher
- Using an explosive
- Parking motorized vehicles in grass or vegetated area that can come in contact with the underside of the vehicle
However, the following developed and hosted recreation sites allow fire in constructed, permanent fire pits or fire grates, in accordance with USFS policies and closures:
- Kelly Dahl Campground
- Rainbow Lakes Campground
- Camp Dick Campground
- Peaceful Valley Campground
- Meeker Park Overflow Campground
- Olive Ridge Campground
- Brainard Lake Recreation Area (Includes Pawnee Campground)
Anyone who violates these fire restrictions may be convicted of a class two petty offense and could be subject to up to a $1,000 fine, in addition to any possible civil penalties. Higher fines may be imposed for subsequent offenses, as per the press release.
More more information regarding fire restrictions in Boulder County, visit bouldercounty.org.
As of Wednesday afternoon (June 23), there were eight active wildfires in Colorado; find out where they are here.
2020 Cameron Peak Fire
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