As I woke up Wednesday and sat down to have coffee and check the news I was blown away, but not shocked at the latest ruling of the Supreme Court. As you probably already know, the Supreme Court voted in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church 8-1 to let them continue to picket military funerals due to their rights under the First Amendment.


To be honest, I am having a really difficult time just trying to wrap my head around this concept. And get this, leaders of the controversial Church then immediately vowed to "quadruple" the number of protests at military funerals around the country following that Supreme Court ruling that the displays are protected under the First Amendment. I'm no scholar by any stretch of the imagination but I would think that "display" and "speech" are two separate things?

Lets be brutally honest here.  If anyone had showed up at a military funeral in the 1780's protesting the soldier and basically insulting the family beyond words they would have been shot on site by everyone carrying a weapon and the Father of the Constitution, James Madison would have drafted the 1st Amendment in 1789 a little differently don't you think?

Things have changed in the last 200+ years and I am pretty sure this is NOT what our Founding Fathers had in mind.

Can you imagine having to bury your child with these "cult lunatics" picketing the funeral because his or her death was the result of homosexuality in general?  Serious? This is nothing more than a cult and from what I can tell the only cult actually being allowed to carry on such a foul and directed hate.   And the founder of WBC was disbarred as a lawyer and that takes morals and ethic violations to get disbarred and if that wasn't enough he even sent Saddam Hussein a letter or praise in 2003.  James Madison would be rolling in his grave...

On a closing note I would like to know how they justify picketing the funeral of a soldier who died protecting their rights to picket his/her funeral.  If that doesn't make you sick to your stomach I don't know what would.  In fact, I think June 5th I am going to ride out to Topeka KS to calmly and professionally express my rights under the 1st Amendment as well...

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