If you ask someone what their favorite cola is you are bound to get a very passionate response. It seems you either like Coke or Pepsi, there is no in between. It is like being Democrat or Republican. You can get into a very heated discussion when you bring up this discussion at a party. I have found you never talk about politics, religion or cola. I am going to go out on a limb here though and tell you that I am a Coke guy. This week Coca-Cola celebrates its 125th anniversary. Here are a few interesting Coke facts.

Coca-Cola Bottle Top

• In 1887, Coca-Cola was promoted through an innovation developed by The Coca-Cola Company – coupons providing free samples of the new drink.

• In 1894, in Vicksburg, Mississippi, Joseph Biedenharn was so impressed by the growing demand for Coca-Cola at his soda fountain that he installed bottling machinery in the rear of his store and became the first to put Coca-Cola in bottles.

• The contour bottle for Coca-Cola – so distinctive it could be recognized in the dark – was introduced in 1916 to distinguish Coca-Cola from competitors.

• The six-pack carrier for bottles was introduced in 1923, an innovation developed by Coca-Cola.

• In December 1931, artist Haddon Sundblom’s Santa Claus first appeared in ads for Coca-Cola. This image of Santa – shown as a plump, jolly, friendly man – helped shape the modern-day image of St. Nick.

Coca Cola Bottles

• In 1982 they introduced the world to Diet Coke, a calorie-free version of their incredibly popular soft drink. It was hailed by many in the business world as the most successful product launch of the 1980’s.

• New Coke was released in 1985 and immediately flopped. Within a few months the company decided to reissue the original Coca-Cola, renamed as Coca-Cola Classic. New Coke fizzled out quickly, although it was still sold in some Midwestern states as late as 1998.

• On July 12, 1985, Coca-Cola became the first soft drink to be consumed in space when astronauts tested the “Coca-Cola Space Can” aboard Space Shuttle Challenger. This was the first known space belch. Why do I have the urge to try belching the phrase “Houston, we have a problem”? I know you are going to try it today too. Happy Birthday Coke. Have a smile on me.

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