A Message To Colorado Trains That Stop Randomly At Crossings And Drive Us Nuts
I'm not trying to be a wise guy here and just complain for the sake of complaining, I legitimately want to know the real answer to this question because I'm actually curious a and have honestly never seen this before until I lived here in Northern Colorado.
Trains are, always have been and always will be a very important part of our lives and the fabric of who we are not just in Colorado but in the United States but something about them has been bugging me to no end for the past few years and I would love to know the answer to this question.

Why do trains stop on the tracks at intersections and just go back and forth for a while? Waiting at a train crossing for a train to pass is one thing, that's not the issue at all, the problem is waiting for that said train to pass when all of a sudden it stops and goes back the other way and then stops again and repeats that process a few times.
It drives me nuts and I think it does so because I have no idea why it's happening, if I knew the purpose that would help me out immensely so that's where you come into play. I need a good education on this matter.
It's happened on a few different train crossings but mostly in Windsor at Main and then on 257 just past the roundabout a little south of the Kum & Go at 257 and 392.
At this point when I snapped this picture, we were just sitting there for a few minutes after the train had just stopped on the tracks and then it took off again shortly after and proceeded to go the other way.
That is the thing that drives me a little bonkers and every time it happens I ask myself that very question but unfortunately I'm not smart enough to figure that out so I'm asking for some help today so I can figure that out once and for all because every time it happens, I go into a dark place and I would feel a lot better about things if I just simply knew the reason why, why is this happening?
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A Pictorial History of Trains in Western Colorado
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