Weld County 2017 Warrant Roundup – Check to See If You’re On the List
Sometimes you may have gotten in trouble, and you think you have been able to run without being caught. But what if officials are always on the lookout for you?
Did you realize it is very easy for you to see if officials are searching far and wide to be able to put you behind bars?
With the Weld County Sheriff's Office, they actually make it very easy for yourself (and your loved ones) to do a quick search to see if your name shows up on any warrants issued by the county.
If you see your name on this list, do yourself a favor and turn yourself in before the charges could get even worse. If you are willing to stand and take your punishment, you can turn yourself into the Weld County Combined Clerk's Office between 7:30am and 4:30pm and it is located at 915 10th Street in Greeley.
Anyone with an active warrant may turn themselves into the Weld County Jail at 2110 "O" St, Greeley.
Here are the easy links to see who is on the list:
If you want to search ALL active warrants in Weld County, click here.
To do a search of ALL active murder warrants in the county, click here.
For active DUI warrants, you can find all the information here.
To see all active sex offender warrants in Weld County, those can be found here.
Lastly, all active escape warrants are found here.
Of course, if you have never been in trouble with the law before, you have nothing to fear. But if you have, you may want to check this out to see if you are considered "on the run".
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