WATCH: Colorado State Trooper Breaks Down Merging Onto The Highway
Somethings are common sense. Other things are learned. When it comes to driving, it's always best to "err on the side of caution".
A video of a Colorado State Trooper explaining the correct way to merge onto the highway has once again gone viral. The video was originally posted in November of 2017, but the information included is still right on the money.
While this video is far from new, it's been popping up all over, including private Casper driving groups. The video was original shared via Facebook Live on the official Colorado State Patrol Facebook page, along with a caption that read:
FAQ: Merging!
FAQ: how to merge (yeah, seriously. We’re getting THAT basic.)
You would think a simple and basic driving notion such as merging onto the highway wouldn't require an almost 2-minute video for an explanation, especially considering it's covered in most, if not all, American driving manuals. Which is to say, you should already know how to do this prior to getting a drivers license, but I guess the refresher course never hurts.
Props to State Troop Louis for taking the time to share make this video. It is timeless and thanks to social media, it is easily shareable to anyone that has yet to properly figure out how to do this.