Watch “E.T.” Outdoors Saturday Night & Raise Money For Larimer County CAC
Most all of us have seen E.T., but when is the last time you saw it on a big screen? Here's your chance, and you will be helping fight child abuse in Northern Colorado. On Saturday, June 8th, the Larimer County CAC will be showing E.T on the Big Screen!
Showtime starts at Sunset (approximately 8:35pm) but you can show up at 7:30pm for face painting, food, popcorn, and beer for the adults. The movie will be shown in the Willow Springs field adjacent to the CAC at 5529 S. Timberline Road. Please bring a blanket or lawn chairs to sit on.
Parking will be available on the street and in the parking lot across the street to the CAC. Riding your bike is encouraged and bikes can be parked in the CAC parking lot.
Tickets are $12.00 (children 5 and under are free) and all proceeds benefit the Child Advocacy Center. Tickets may be purchased on-line or reserve tickets that may be purchased at the door by contacting Ana Pasini at Rain Date 06/16/2013.