Teacher Tuesday: Dr. Stan Polley at Loveland Classical Schools
Congratulations to this week's Teacher Tuesday winner, Dr. Stan Polley at Loveland Classical Schools in Loveland.
Dr. Polley was nominated by one of his student's parents. Here's what Robin had to say about Dr. Polley:
Dr. Polley is proud to be part of Loveland Classical School's Science Department for his third year. He also a sponsor in several Extra-Curricular activities such as Yearbook Club, Running Club, and Geocaching Club. Since his arrival at LCS, he has created novel classroom techniques, integrating songs, geocaching, and games into his curriculum. Dr. Polley has made science come alive for my son. That is saying something since before; all my son was interested in was computer games. I will forever be in Dr. Polley's debt for bringing science alive for my son and all his students.
Dr. Polley received dinner from the Melting Pot, pizza for a year from Old Chicago, flowers from Earle’s Flowers and Gifts. Each kid in Dr. Polley's class also got a free game of bowling from Chipper’s Lanes.
You can nominate your teacher here.
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