Greeley's swim-in movies were the splash of the summer last year, as hundreds floated and watched "Finding Nemo" together at Centennial Pool.
Everyone's favorite holiday movie is already being watched by millions across America, but what if the Griswolds resided in Fort Collins instead of Illinois? What would be their favorite hangout spots?
If you've ever taken a drive through Aurora, you may have come across this building at the intersection of Colfax and Peoria that has made you curious. Well now your questions are answered, and your mind has gotten wilder!
Greeley's annual dog swim is coming up at the end of the month, when you'll be able to take your pooch to Discovery Bay to dip in the pool with other doggie friends.
Summer is upon us, and of course, so is swimming season. This means not only do we get to show off our hard-earned beach bodies, but also our kickass pool floaties.