The Northern Colorado Honor Flight sendoff is Sunday, September 13th. It is usually held at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Loveland, but the location has changed.
Mike "Ace" Calloway and Deb Mead from The Twisted Stitcher made a very unique quilt to auction off for the Honor Flight Northern Colorado Endurance Ride.
Our own Charley Barnes has been featured in the Greeley Tribune. I am so proud to work this man. Charley has made a point to inspire with his time on earth. There are many people who say "someone should do this" or "someone should do that" about things that are wrong in this world.
Charley Barnes is still putting on the miles. He was in Maryland last night and will go around the tip of Maine today and back into Maryland for leg 7 of 9 on his 10,000 miles in 10 days endurance ride for Honor Flight.
Charley Barnes is doing an amazing job on his 10,000 mile in 10 day mission for Honor Flight. He has now gone from the Canadian Border to the Mexican border in less than 24 hours and then coast to coast in 2 days.
It's been six months in the planning and the send off went off without a hitch. Many lined up along I-25 others rode along side Charley, some all the way to Cheyenne, and I can only assume some may have even followed a bit farther. This is to let you know that Charley is safe, as he is well into day two of his 10 Day Honor Endurance Ride.
Questions are obviously being raised about the Northern Colorado Honor Flight scheduled for this Sunday. I spoke with Board member Matt Voris this morning and at the time of this story, the escort and flight are still all systems go, but, that could very well change in the next 24 hours so please bookmark this story for any updates.
The next Northern Colorado Honor Flight is scheduled for Sunday, September 15th. You've heard me talk about them now for several years and if you have never done one, you have no idea what you're missing out on. The format this year though is very different.
Coming up in September, another Honor Flight will again take to the skies loaded with Veterans from Northern Colorado to go pay their respects at their respective memorials in Washington D.C.. But, the trips are not free, and this Saturday, is an event I hope to see hundreds of motorcycles and people at. Just by showing up and donating a few bucks is a solid way to show them you're grateful.
Many of you who couldn't do the previous Honor Flight a couple weeks ago will have another chance this September when veterans here in Northern Colorado again take to the skies to go pay their respects at their respective memorials in Washington D.C.. But, the trips are not free so here's a good way to help raise money.