Auctioned Harley-Davidson Quilt by ‘The Twisted Stitcher’ Benefits Honor Flight Northern Colorado
Mike "Ace" Callaway and Deb Mead from The Twisted Stitcher made a very unique quilt to auction off for the Honor Flight Northern Colorado Endurance Ride.
Updated on Monday, May 4 at 6:55 p.m. to reflect the current bid of $2500
Mike "Ace" Callaway, co-owner of The Twisted Stitcher (116 N 2nd Avenue) in Ault, Colorado, is a Vietnam veteran who served with the United States Navy from 1971-1976.
He and Deb Mead started the Twisted Stitcher in 2011 to offer their services at various events around the country; their favorite being the Salute to American Veterans Rally that takes place every August in beautiful Cripple Creek, Colorado.
Ace and Deb then decided to open a business in Ault in 2012 to offer their services including anything to do with leather, saddle and tack repair, covers for vehicles, awnings and much more, not to mention they have one of the largest selections of patches around. They also donate to two charities: Wounded Warrior Project and Honor Flight Northern Colorado.
Deb and Ace wanted to help my upcoming ride in June to benefit Honor Flight Northern Colorado so they made a beautiful Queen size quilt to donate so we could auction it off. The shirts were actually given to them by a good friend of theirs from Fort Collins, Chuck McMillan, who gave the shirts he had been collecting over the years so they could put them to good use for something just like this.
This is one item you will never be able to find in a store or buy online; there is only one like it in the world.
To place a bid, or check where the bidding is at, just send an email to cb@k99.com or click here; please put HD Quilt in the subject line. You can also check the official fundraiser page by clicking on the link below if you have Facebook. All bids are updated on that page as soon as a new high bid comes in but anyone who gets outbid will also get an email to alert them they have been outbid.
Bidding ends on Sunday, May 31 at 11:598 p.m. 100% of the proceeds go directly to Honor Flight Northern Colorado to help send our veterans on the September 2015 flight to Washington D.C.
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