The World Happiness Report is out and Colorado comes in at number 19 on the list. Wallet Hub compared all 50 states on environmental factors like income level, activity and emotional health.
Kid President does it again with a goto, can't fail, sure fire list of 20 things that we should say more often. If we did say these things more often, the world would bloom into a much happier place.
Thanks to my friend Ann I came across this great piece on swearing. It states that researchers have found that swearing could be the answer to a happier life, essentially anyway.
That's right it's been scientifically* proven that looking at these GIFs will instantly make you happy. Sometimes all you need to feel better is a baby penguin in a hat or a wink from Gene Wilder -- that is a scientific* fact. We thought we'd put a whole bunch together to brighten your day. Science* ... we love it!