The Colorado Farm Show is accepting applications from graduating Colorado High School Seniors for the 2015-2016 academic year. We have all of the details.
Bill & Elizabeth Markham and their son, Brett, raise barley for Coors Brewing Company. It all began in Berthoud in 1957 with Bill's father, Willard Markham.
The Colorado FFA Foundation has inducted four into the Farm Credit Colorado Agriculture Hall of Fame along with The Rising Star in Colorado Agriculture Award.
"Droughtland" is a documentary that tells the stories of drought-stricken farmers in southeastern Colorado. Watch the trailer and meet some of the families.
National FFA Week starts on Saturday. I know I don't fit into my FFA jacket anymore. For most of my high school days FFA was my life. I was an officer. I always competed in State Judging at CSU. I always attended the State Convention...