Suicide Can Be Prevented, Let’s Walk to Save Coloradans and Remember Those Lost
The facts surrounding suicide in our state are scary and eye-opening. The thought of someone you love taking their own life, can be hard to wrap your mind around. There is a great organization called Suicide Education and Support Services (SESS), in Northern Colorado that seeks to prevent suicide, and supports those who have survived the suicide of a family member, friend, co-worker, classmate, or community member.
You can support SESS and those who have lost a loved one by suicide by attending the Glimmer of Hope event coming up on September 10th at Bittersweet Park in Greeley. The event includes a 3k walk and twilight balloon release. Register here.
Suicide facts from the North Range Behavioral Health website:
- More Coloradans die each year by suicide than by car crashes, homicide, diabetes and breast cancer.
- Colorado ranks 6th in the United States for death by suicide.
- In the United States, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for persons 14-24 years of age; in Colorado, it is the #1 cause of death.
- 867 Coloradans died by suicide in 2010.
- Weld County lost 46 lives to suicide in 2015.
- Men account for 76% of Weld County suicides in 2015 and 79.6% over the last 5 years.
- Women will attempt suicide at a rate of 3-to-1, but men will die by suicide at a rate of 4-to-1.
- In 2015, 4.3% of suicide deaths were youth ages 10-18, while 50% were working-aged adults (35-65 years).
- According to the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey, 12% of teenagers said they had thoughts of suicide in the last year.
- On average, a 60-minute presentation about suicide will identify 10% of individuals in need of support for suicidal ideation.
- Suicide is one of the most preventable forms of death.