Student Receives Bachelor Degree Posthumously From Colorado State University
The Colorado State University Board of Governors voted to approve a posthumous degree for Michael Habel, who died last summer at his family's cabin near Walden. Habel was only a junior, but already had enough credits to graduate, with a degree in electrical engineering.
This past weekend, his mother and father were presented with a diploma from CSU. The Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Colorado State and the Robert Habel family have created a new scholarship to honor Michael.
Michael was a friend of my wife, Jenny, and me. We knew him since he was an eight year old kid. He was one of the brightest, most delightful people we have ever known. Jenny tells me one of the things she misses most about Michael is the in-depth discussions they had over lunches they had together. Jenny took these pictures at the graduation ceremony in Moby Arena.
My favorite memory of Michael is the lighting display he created for his family's home that was set to music every holdiday season. Here is a YouTube video of Michael's lights set to "Carol of the Bells".
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