Range View Elementary Helps Windsor And Severance Communities
The teachers and staff at Range View Elementary in Severance have truly stepped up again. While they have been dealing with the stressors of 2020, the K-5 school has been doing in-person classes for students and, according to the Coloradoan, getting involved with the community. This holiday season, Range View Elementary made donations to the Severance Police Department, Windsor Severance Fire Rescue and Bright Assisted Living in a truly amazing fashion.
The school held an Amazing Race-style competition that had staffers put together kits for police and fire personnel. These included trauma kits for first responders, stuffed animals for kids in traumatic situations, and thoughtful gifts for seniors at the assisted living center.
The teachers got clues as to where the items for each package were hidden in the school and had to race to see who could gather their kits first. The winners then received $100 GRAND... the candy bar (clever).
As I visualize 30 adults running through the hallways of an elementary school on a sort of scavenger hunt, looking for items to donate...it puts a smile on my face and seems like a ton of fun as well.
Simple things like this go a long way, especially this year around the holidays. Especially given that the Range View staff, like so many others, were not able to have their annual Christmas party. But instead of resigning themselves to disappoint, they decided to do something that was both fun AND good for the community.
Now, I may be a little biased on how awesome the staff at Range View Elementary is, because that's where my son goes to kindergarten. But that's beside the point— Big THANKS to teachers and staff everywhere, whether you're in person or remote. We love and appreciate you so much.
Merry Christmas.

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