Polis Announces ‘At-Home’ Order Will Expire As Scheduled
Colorado Governor Jared Polis announced Monday that his statewide "Stay-At-Home" order will expire on April 27 as scheduled.
Social distancing and limiting social interactions will still be strongly encouraged.
“We need to figure out how to run the marathon after we’ve run the sprint," Polis said in the Monday press conference.
With the state's daily hospitalization rate at a slight downward trend, Eagle County will be allowed as the state's first county to reopen later this week.
Eagle County originally issued one of the first health orders in Colorado in regards to the COVID-19 virus. Cases in Eagle County have been on a downward trend. Polis said he is planning on traveling to Eagle County on Thursday or Friday to sign the documents to re-open Eagle County.
Polis says "we're going to do this together" before stating that one in ten people will need to go to the hospital for COVID-19. Colorado has been in the 75 to 80 percent social distancing range.
During the announcement, Polis says "We need to live with extreme caution" using masks only going out when you need to going through more difficult months.
Here is how Polis said the reopening will work:
- Retailers can opt for curbside delivery on April 27.
- Retail stores can open on May 1.
- Commercial offices can return to work at a 50 percent capacity on May 4 with telecommuting strongly encouraged for the most vulnerable people.
- Hair salons, dental offices, elective surgeries, etc. will be able to reopen after the stay at home order has expired with precautions.
- Bars, restaurants, and clubs will remain closed for dine-in eating and drinking. Polis said his personal goal for a phased reopening is mid-May.
- Schools will remain closed.

Source: Denver Channel
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