Penelope and Pierre, Party Donkeys for Hire in NoCo
"Whoa! Stop that little donkey so I can grab a drink." That is something you could very well find yourself saying. That is if Penelope and Pierre are at the same event as you.
The Farm at Sparrow Hills calls them "Beverage Burros". These mini donkeys are for hire to make events and weddings more fun here in Northern Colorado. According to the website Penelope and Pierre "can carry beverages, party favors, or whatever you can think of at your next event! They are ready for any occasion in any theme you can imagine." What a fun idea. This seems so very Colorado to me.
According to the Department of Animal Science at Oklahoma State University, "the Miniature Mediterranean Donkey is by nature one of the friendliest and most affectionate animals of its type. They are very tame and gentle. They are also easier to manage in everyday life than some donkeys simply because they are smaller. They love their owners and seek attention. They do this with friendly nudges and brays and funny little sounds designed to get you to pay attention to them. The miniature donkey is extremely intelligent and docile and is easily trained.

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