You may have seen an article circulating on Facebook claiming that Hugh Jackman's car overheated in Windsor, Colorado, recently.

As fine as Stuft Burger Bar really is and as great as the people of Windsor are, unfortunately this article is 100% fake.

The article, found on a fantasy news website called News Daily 12 set up to look like a legitimate news outlet, claims Jackman told a nice little story in a radio interview about getting stranded in Windsor, Colorado, and hanging out with residents:

We were just leaving the city limits of Windsor, Colorado when the damn car overheated or something so I pulled it over to the side of the road and within just a minute or two there were a couple of cars that pulled over to help me out. I told them that I was on the phone with the rental car company but one of them had a brother who owned a tow truck and a few minutes later it was there and he towed it to a place nearby to get fixed.

He goes on to say that someone offered him lunch at "the finest dining spot in Windsor - some place called Stuft - to get a burger," adding that the people of Windsor "are the real deal."

"Great freakin' burger too," said Jackman (except not really).

Jackman says in the fake article he plans on moving there after he retires. While Windsor is certainly a great place to live, and one that thousands of people are flocking to to get away from busy parts of Northern Colorado (a.k.a. Fort Collins), I highly doubt Hugh Jackman would ever retire there (let's just be real).

Still not convinced this article is fake? Here's a nearly-identical article from another fake site called KY12 News in which he talks about his rental car getting a flat tire in Saginaw, Texas. News Daily 12 also lists a disclaimer on their website saying, "All articles on have been certified as 'Genuine Satire' by the Morality Police of the Internet (MOPOTI) [editor's note: lol] and should not be mistaken as fake news," and reiterates that "the articles on are not real. They're meant to be humorous and they're for your entertainment."

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