Mosquitoes Carrying West Nile Found in Northern Colorado
The Department of Public Health and Environment has announced that they have found mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus in several Northern Colorado Towns. According to the Greeley Tribune, the virus has been found in Greeley, Evens, LaSalle, Kersey and Idaho Creek in Longmont.
There have been no human cases of the virus discovered in the area so far, however, the virus is expected to be in the area for the rest of the summer. The best way to decrees your risk of getting infected is to drain standing water, avoid outside activity at dusk and dawn, and use mosquitoes repellant that includes DEET.
Those infected with West Nile exhibit flu-like symptoms, including nausea and vomiting muscle aches and weakness, rashes, and fever. If you believe that you may have West Nile, contact your health provider before the symptoms get worse and lead to such things as tremors, disorientation, coma, vision loss, paralysis or even death.
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