My wife and I both can't wait for the new Max bus to start running in our city. It will make it so easy to get downtown, where parking is often impossible. The City of Fort Collins and Transfort are kicking off the MAX bus rapid transit service on Saturday, May 10th.

According to a press release from the City of Fort Collins: Dignitaries from Washington, D.C., Denver and Fort Collins will officially open the newly constructed South Transit Center and celebrate the start of MAX service with a ceremonial ribbon cutting starting at 10 a.m. at the South Transit Center at 4915 Fossil Blvd. Additional celebrations will be held at various stations from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The public is encouraged to walk, ride a bicycle or ride Transfort to the different launch day events. MAX will be free to ride throughout the summer until August 24.

MAX STATION PARTIES - Saturday, May 10, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.


  •  Launch Ceremony - Saturday, May 10, 10 to 11 a.m. at the South Transit Center, 4915 Fossil Blvd. (south of Harmony Rd. off College Ave.)
  • South Transit Center - The Future of Transportation: Demonstrations and performances from local dancer and yoga instructors; musical entertainment; low emission vehicle display; children’s activities; food trucks; pedi-cab vendor; and, Ride Transfort app prize center.
  • Harmony Station - Welcome station with information provided by MAX ambassadors and entertainment from Streetmosphere provided by Alex Paozols (Oil Paintings).
  • Troutman Station - Welcome station with information provided by MAX ambassadors.
  • Horsetooth Station - Party at Chipper’s Lanes Bowling Center: Outdoor games, demonstrations from a nearby bicycle store, Chippers mascot; Chick-Fil-A mascot; Spokesbuzz artist Matt Mahern and Constitution; beer samples from 1933 Brewery; Kids play area; food samples; Buttercream Cupcakery samples; Life of the Party kids face paintings; outside bowling; and, a bicycle obstacle course.
  • Northbound Swallow Station - Welcome station with information provided by MAX ambassadors and free entertainment from Streetmosphere provided by Good Ones Taken, an acoustic duo.
  • Drake Station - Welcome station with information provided by MAX ambassadors.
  • Spring Creek Station - Midtown – Connections for the Whole Community: Party behind Whole Foods Marketplace with music from a local artist; tent with child-oriented Mother’s Day activities; cupcake decorating; food and beverages for sale.
  • Prospect Station - Welcome station with information provided by MAX ambassadors and free entertainment from Streetmosphere provided by Juggler Seth Nicholas Stephens.
  • University Station - Attend the Ram Pride! Party on Colorado State University’s campus with Post Paradise live party and enjoy CSU give away items, CSU mystery tours, guided campus tours on a CSU shuttle, and the first 200 MAX riders receive a special gift with their MAX passport.
  • Southbound Laurel Station - Welcome station with information provided by MAX ambassadors.
  • Northbound Olive Station Party - Flavors of Fort Collins Party: Enjoy the flavors of Fort Collins with multiple food tastings from nearby restaurants; flower pot painting and planting for kids and music.
  • Southbound Mountain Station - Welcome Station - Welcome station with information provided by MAX ambassadors and free entertainment from Streetmosphere provided by Three Beat Salad and a Crouton (African Drums).
  • Downtown Transit Center - The History of Fort Collins’ Transportation: Enjoy a musical performance by Josh Blackburn; food trucks; Bike Library information; games; limited number of Downtown Business Association gift cards; Fort Collins Museum of Discovery display; self-guided historic Depot tours.


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