Lightning Is More Likely to Strike Coors Field Than Most Other Stadiums
While it's not the kind of strike you anticipate at baseball game, a study found that Coors Field in Denver is one of the most lighting-prone stadiums in the country.
CBS4 Denver reported on the study, conducted by Vaisala Meteorologist Chris Vagasky. Vagasky looked at data from lighting activity at 10,000 baseball games at various stadiums over a four-year period, and the results for the Mile High were — shocking.
We all know that the Major League Baseball season also coincides with thunderstorm season here in Colorado, but Denver's stadium actually topped the list, found to be the fourth most-likely to have a game interrupted by lighting.
According to CBS4, the study found that out of 49 Colorado Rockies games, there were nearly 1700 lighting strikes, and over 500 of them touched the ground. You can see the full report here.
'It's no surprise this has happened at Coors Field — already located a mile high in the sky,' the MLB said, referring to the photo in the tweet above. 'There's always weird weather happening there.'

No joke. The National Weather Service reports that there are usually around 12 injuries and two deaths per year in Colorado that are caused by lightning, most of which are in El Paso County.
According to 9NEWS, the reason why Colorado has the most fatalities is because we are an 'outdoor state.' The highest month for lightning deaths is July.
'In recent years, Colorado was tied for seventh in the nation when it comes to lightning fatalities,' the National Weather Service said. 'When you look at a longer period of time, Colorado ranks fourth in the nation for fatalities.'
Fortunately, if lightning is threatening a crowd at Coors Field, the games are evacuated, at least from the upper deck, for safety.
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