Final Colorado Sunset Before 5 p.m. Until November Comes Thursday
For some, the short days of winter can be a bit daunting, and we're all looking forward to a little more daylight.
Some of us leave for work before the sun rises and don't clock out until well after sunset. Thankfully, this week we will see the last sunset before 5 p.m. until November.
Friday, the sun will officially set at 5 p.m., which is one minute after Thursday's sunset. After that, we will not see another sunset before 5 p.m. for months. Looking forward to March, the first sunset after 6 p.m. will occur on March 9, which is five days before Daylight Saving Time starts.
The longest day of 2021 will be on June 20, known as the Summer Solstice.
Sunrise will be at 5:32 a.m. and sunset will occur at 8:31 p.m. The next official sunset before 5 p.m. will occur on November 7 at 4:51 p.m., the day after Daylight Saving Time ends.

Source: The Know - Denver Post
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