Larimer County to Spray For Mosquitoes Starting Monday
Due to an increase of mosquitoes in the area infected with West Nile, the Larimer County Health Department had decided to spray strategic locations of Fort Collins. According to the Coloradoan, there has been an increase of infected mosquitoes in the population in recent weeks leading to this decision to spray Monday (August 8, 2016).
Traditionally, Larimer County does not spray until two cases of West Nile have been reported in the same week, and though this has not happened, they do believe the risk is high enough for them to be proactive and spray now.
In Fort Collins, they are going to spray the area North of Mulberry st, to Terry Lake, between Shields St and 9th St. They are also going to spray two large sections South of Fort Collins, North of 392 in the Fossil Creek Reservoir Natural Area.