Kyle Clark Is Broadcasting From Home and Everyone Is Obsessed With His Wood
In case you missed it, the World's Fourth Hottest News Anchor has been broadcasting Next with Kyle Clark from home during Denver's Stay-at-Home Order. And, while we're sure he's saying important stuff, we're really only focusing on one thing (and it's not his home haircut): his wood.
We first met the wood about five weeks ago.
And everyone was like, 'What is that?' We became obsessed.
It became an icon in the age of COVID-19.
Recently, it vanished. It's the blazer-switch of 2020, and admittedly, we don't even know what he's talking about because WHERE'S THE WOOD, KYLE???
'The masses want to know... where is your wood?' one Instagram user commented on the above post, which is actually about a mask mandate and in no way about his wood.
'You lost your wood?' another asked, with a cry emoji, on the same post which is about something that might be important.
But really, he has a gas fireplace, so where has it all gone?
We don't know where the wood went, but there is some good news. You can make it your WFH Zoom background.
Thanks, Kyle, for keeping us informed, but also for making us laugh.
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