Joni Harms To Play Flood Relief Benefit Concert In Estes Park
Academy of Western Arts 2002 Entertainer of the Year Joni Harms will play a flood Relief benefit concert on Friday December 6th @ 7:30 p.m. at the Estes Park Conference Center. Special guest for the show will be Doris Daley.
5:30 - Silent auction and cash bar opens
6:00 - Doors open for general admission seating
7:30 - Music Begins
Proceeds from Silent Auction and Ticket Sales benefit Crisis Response Fund @ Rocky Mountain Church • continuing to provide practical help to those affected by the flood
Tickets are $25 and are Available at:
- Estes Park: Smokin' Dave's BBQ, Thirty Below Leather
- Lyons: Smokin' Dave's BBQ • Longmont: Murdock's
- Loveland: White Sides Boots and Western Apparel
For more info: Tim Elkins (970) 310-1683