Denver International Airport Making Drastic Changes To Security
Many people have a love-hate relationship with Denver International Airport.
Sure, they’re making some good additions. There’s plenty of plans to help improve the airport for the future, like adding better and innovative infrastructure. Soon enough, the bathrooms and carpeting will be getting some much needed upgrades.
There’s also some top quality food there as well, which is something not many airports can brag about. DIA’s very own Root Down, it was voted by USA Today as one of the best airport restaurants, and Money Inc. chose it as their top pick.
However, there’s some things that DIA does that can leave people scratching their heads. Recently, there has been a change to how they will be doing security in the near future.
Denver International Airport Will No Longer Do 24 Hour Security at the South Checkpoint
DIA’s South security checkpoint has been used by many active travelers looking to get through security as quickly as possible.
South security gave flyers 24 hour access when it came to boarding planes. The idea for active travelers is by going overnight, you’ll be able to get to your gate much sooner.
According to Fox 31, TSA recently announced they no longer will be allowing people to go through South security between the hours of 1am to 3am.
The reasoning is actually relatively simple; since the airport does not have any flights between the hours of 1 am and 5 am, there’s not much of a need for those two hours.
While there are some people who used to take advantage of the late night hours, there truly aren't that many people who will go that length.
Still, TSA is taking away the choice of getting through security at the early hours of the morning, which certainly could anger some people.
If you’re one of those people, you’ve got until May 5th to get in your last extra early security fix.