Denver Nuggets Are Your NBA Champs: When And Where Is The Parade?
It feels like a dream for all Denver Nuggets fans in Colorado and beyond, as the Nuggets have won their very first NBA Finals Championship in franchise history. Time for the big parade to celebrate the win, here's what you need to know.

Denver Nuggets NBA Finals Champions
Despite all the adrenaline pumping, I attempted to go to bed last night after witnessing history, with little success. As a kid, I remember watching the Nuggets, with Mutombo, LaPhonso Ellis, Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, and more. It made me love the sport as a young kid. As a lifelong fan, we've been through some pretty low times and dark years, so last night, it was special! Watching the final seconds, pacing back and forth of the TV, while my kids are going crazy behind me as the clock ticked down to zero, it was one of the greatest moments of my life. Our Denver Nuggets are the 2023 NBA Champions! Now, it's time to celebrate with a massive parade and party, here's all you need to know.
Denver Nuggets Championship Parade Info
Clear the streets of Downtown Denver, it's time to throw a parade! Jokic wasn't too happy about the Parade being on Thursday as he really wants to "go home," but despite his preferences, the Denver Nuggets Parade is taking over Downtown Denver this Thursday, June 15th, and will begin at 10 am. There will be a rally kicking off at Civic Center Park with live music and more at 9 am if you really want to get wild. The actual parade will stage at Ball Arena but will officially begin at Union Station and run down 17th Street, just like the Broncos and Avs parades have. Here's what to expect in the parade...
- Denver Nuggets players, coaches, and management
- E. Stanley and Josh Kroenke
- Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock
- Additional Civic Leaders
- SuperMascot Rocky
- Denver Nuggets Dancers
- Skyline Drumline
- Mile High City Hype Squad
- Average Joes
- Sizzlin' Seniors
- Ball Team Aluminum
The full parade map is below...
As you can imagine, parking will be pretty hard to find with over half a million people set to attend the parade, so try and book parking close to the route ahead of time. I just booked a spot in a garage near 18th and Wazee so I'm hoping I can get in, and enjoy the fun, and peace out from the garage. Others will make their way to Civic Center Park as the Championship Celebration with the players on stage etc. will take place following the parade. I can't explain how excited and proud I am to be a part of Nuggets Nation, and I cannot wait to celebrate with you this Thursday in Downtown Denver. Go Nuggets!