It's hard to believe that in Colorado, up until 2024, we hadn't had a license plate celebrating the agriculture community. By 2025, that'll be a thing of the past.

Honestly, with all the different license plates that Colorado has, over 200 of them, why hasn't this been done already? It'll be exciting to see how many Coloradans will be donning the new plates in 2025.

They have a "tentative" rendering of what the plate will look like; will it stick?

According to 9News, there are over six million Colorado license plates out there; that's more than the state's entire population as of 2022. How many of those license plates, by 2026, will have the new Agriculture plate?

New Colorado License Plate Celebrates Agriculture/Ranching

According to, Colorado has nearly 34,000 farms taking up over 31 million acres of land. With that, you could definitely say that the Centennial State is dedicated to agriculture. It's "high time" that we had a license plate for it.

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AGDaily reports that an organization of cattlewomen in Logan County gathered the needed 4,000 signatures to get the bill sponsored, and by June of 2024, the bill (HB-1369) passed and was signed into law.

Leave it to women to get things done, right?

Colorado's Agriculture License Plate
Colorado DMV

RELATED: Are Colorado's Black License Plates a Huge Mistake?

How Much Are the New Agriculture License Plates in Colorado?

In addition the regular cost of registering your vehicle, the Agriculture plate costs:

MORE Colorado Plates: The Most Popular Colorado Plates

Before hopping into Colorado’s favorite license plates of 2023, let’s set one ground rule first. For one, we will only be looking through the Group Special License Plate category. These are plates that are initiated by a nonprofit and must need a petition of at least 3,000 people to qualify.
The reason is because, to be frank, if we counted regular license plates, this list would get boring quite quickly. However, one regular plate will be getting an honorable mention, since it took the state by storm this year.
Without further adieu, let’s dive into Colorado’s most popular license plates from 2023.

Gallery Credit: David Damuth

MORE Colorado Plates: Rejected License Plates in Colorado

Here are just a few of the more than 23,000 rejected personalized license plates in Colorado from 2021.

Gallery Credit: Matt Sparx

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