Help Me Save Money on a Card and Wish My Daughter Vanessa a Happy Birthday
I can't believe my baby girl is turning 27 years old today. Holy cow, where did the time go? Vanessa has always been my little buddy. She used to go everywhere with dad. She would come to work with me and actually be on the air. She would go to my remote broadcasts. She has been my movie watching buddy and music listening buddy...she has just been my buddy. Vanessa has been cursed with the same twisted sense of humor that I have and she GETS me. I laugh more with her than just about anyone else on the planet.
I am so proud of what she has done with her career and the mom and person she has become. She has given me the two most wonderful grandsons a man could hope for. I am a lucky man and know it. I love my family dearly and still adore my little girl. You have been the light in my eyes since the first time I held you. I love you Vanessa. Happy Birthday! You will forever be daddy's little girl. Have a great time with Luke Bryan and Thomas Rhett this week :). Here are a few of my favorite pics of my girl.
Her favorite Thomas Rhett tune