Greeley Postpones Friday Fests Until Further Notice Due to COVID-19
Even though the stay-at-home order has been lifted, large gatherings are still prohibited due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Unfortunately, this means that Greeley's weekly Friday Fests, which were supposed to start in May, are now postponed until further notice.
However, not all hope is lost. The weekly event usually lasts until September, so officials are hopeful that it will still make a return this summer.
According to The Greeley Tribune, festival officials are going by the Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment's guidelines, meaning that crowds of up to 5,000 people must be allowed together before the event can take place.
The publication reports that the Downtown Greeley Promotional Association is currently looking into temporarily creating a virtual event instead of the Friday Fests, which would help provide support to Greeley's local restaurants and bars.
These businesses usually benefit heavily from Friday Fests, as many of them participate in "Go-Cup," which allows locals to carry alcohol in designated areas during the festival.
But until restrictions lift, it looks like you'll have to enjoy a personal "Go-Cup" at home.

Wine Time Feb. 2019
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