Go For an Epic (Educational) Mountain Bike Ride in Wellington
In an effort to educate the public about wildlife preservation, the Larimer County Department of Natural Resources is hosting an "Epic Mountain Bike Ride" on Saturday, June 25, in the Red Mountain Open Space.
Join naturalist Dan for an "epic day of mountain biking" from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the open space, which is located just north of Fort Collins. Designed for experienced single-track riders, the excursion will consist of an 11.3-mile loop that climbs 1,000 feet within 5.3 miles and ventures into Wyoming.
The meeting place is located at Red Mountain Open Space, 799 Red Canyon Road, Wellington, CO.
Riders will need to bring with them lots of water, sunscreen, a sack lunch, bike repair kit, and of course, your own bike.
The program is free, but categorized as "difficult," and registration is required. If you'd like to embark on this "epic" mountain bike ride, click HERE to register. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Heather at hyoung@larimer.org.
In addition to educating the public about wildlife preservation, the Epic Mountain Bike Ride is part of a series celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Help Preserve Open Spaces sales tax.
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