Fort Collins Holiday Twin Drive-In Warns of Fake Garth Brooks Tickets
The controversy with whether or not the Garth Brooks concert will happen at the Holiday Twin Drive in continues.
The drive-in theater venue went to Facebook to warn of fake Garth Brooks concert tickets being sold online.
The company went to Facebook to say this:
Please DO NOT purchase any Garth Brooks Tickets for our venue on Saturday the 27th. They are NOT REAL we are not showing Garth Brooks on the 27th. Please be patient. We will provide more information when we know, and when we have the ok from Encore Live. We also do not know when our tickets will be available.
Holiday Twin Drive-In Facebook
This isn't the first issue that customers have had to deal with. Tickets were originally available on Ticketmaster for the June 27 date, but they weren't available on Holiday Twin website, which initially confused potential ticket buyers.
Then, no tickets were available for purchasing, but some customers reported seeing available tickets for the show at the drive-in a day before they would have been officially available.
The date for the show is June 27, but Holiday Twin listed another show for that day via Facebook, which confused potential ticket buyers even more.
Holiday Twin wouldn't confirm or deny the Garth Brooks show at their location for a future date due to their contract with Encore Live, but they did announce that there are fake tickets being sold.
When Friday came, the official ticket release date, there was a credit card glitch. Garth Brooks address the issue in a video released to Twitter.
Source: Holiday Twin Drive-In, Garth Brooks

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