Food Network’s ‘Chopped’ Casting in Denver
It’s one of the most popular cooking shows on TV, and YOU could be on it! Imagine what will be in your mystery basket – Barbecue potato chips? Gatorade? Frozen fish sticks? And that’s your dessert basket! Even if you don’t win the $10,000, imagine how much fun being on 'Chopped' would be!
I had no idea that Chopped has already done 223 seasons! But then, why not? It’s a fun show: Four chefs dueling it out, taking whatever whacky ingredients they’re given to make a skillful, tasty dish. The pressure! ‘Five minutes left, Chefs..’ Ted Allen warns. The sweat! Then, times up. They face the three judges to find out if they’ve created something better than the other chefs, or that they’re ‘chopped.’ Finally, one chef comes out on top and wins the $10,000!
I was reading a little bit about the show, and found out that the chefs really don’t know what’s in the baskets until they’re officially opened. I suspected that they were told ahead of time, because they all do so well on such short notice. Wow.
The producers are currently looking for chefs from the Denver/Boulder area! They ARE looking for professional chefs, but they are also looking to cast ‘Chopped’ specials; such as ‘Newlyweds, Twins, Moms/Dads/Grandparents, Diner Cooks, Farmers!’
Even if you have fleeting skills in the kitchen, you kind of want to be on ‘Chopped.’ I’d love to come around that corner after getting chopped, and it all goes slow-motion….’Damn! Those goat brains did me in!’ Too much fun!
They're taking applications through May-- I say you give it shot! Get the details HERE!
[Source: Denver Eater]
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