Custer State Park in the Black Hills of South Dakota [PICTURES]
We visited the Black Hills of South Dakota over the weekend. Without a doubt, the highlight was our trips through Custer State Park. We saw tons of wildlife during our visits.
The highlight was the wildlife. We saw herds of Bison. We saw Elk, White-Tailed Deer, Big Horn Sheep, Pronghorn Antelope, Mountain Goats, Wild Turkey, Marmots, Prairie Dogs, a Coyote, Chipmunks, and the famous Wild Burros. The only thing we didn't get pictures of was the coyote.
Another highlight was the Needles Highway. We drove over it Saturday night in a crazy hail storm. We visited the Needles again Sunday Morning, just to make sure we saw it all.
Thanks to my Lovely wife, Jenny for taking the wonderful photographs.