CSU Has a New Official University Tartan Plaid [VIDEO]
Colorado State University has a new, official university tartan plaid. In case you didn't know, tartans are those plaid patterns that Scottish guys wear on their kilts. CSU had a contest between Design and Merchandising students to come up with the winning pattern.
“Rams Timeless Tartan” was selected by Rams fans. The design was created by interior design student Ajay Li. It was selected from three final designs, all submitted by Design and Merchandising students, as part of a contest to select the official tartan plaid.
Official CSU merchandise in the Timeless Tartan design will be available this fall in the CSU Bookstore and other local and national retailers. The bookstore will develop and license official tartan merchandise and register the final tartan in Scotland in the Scottish Register of Tartans and the United States.
Watch this YouTube video to see how the whole contest came together to create CSU's official tartan plaid.