Eric Berlinberg, a program manager on Amazon’s drone delivery team
Courtesy of Colorado State University

A Colorado native and graduate of Colorado State University’s College of Business was part of Amazon Prime's  first drone package delivery. The blue and white quad-copter delivered its 1st package in Cambridgeshire, England. It was some tech items and a bag of popcorn. The first Amazon Prime Air delivery took only 13 minutes to complete.

Eric Berlinberg, has been serving as a program manager with Amazon Prime Air since 2015, leading the project’s global business operations and program management offices.

Susan Golicic, an associate professor in the CSU College of Business Department of Management, had Berlinberg in her advanced supply chain management courses.

We are really proud that he is a grad of our program. He was an outstanding student and very involved in class.

This YouTube video shows Amazon Prime Air's first successful delivery:

[Source: Colorado State University]

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