CSU Ag Day Celebrates 30 Years
Saturday marks the 30th anniversary of CSU's Ag Day! It also a special day because the Rams are playing the UNC Bears for the 1st time in 25 years. The Rams will be wearing their orange jerseys, so wear orange to support the team. K99 will be on sight with Todd Harding doing a live broadcast and live music from Bob Purcell and the Outriders!
Come join in the festivities as Colorado agricultural growers and producers prepare Colorado's greatest outdoor barbecue before the kickoff of the Rams' first home football game. Ag Day is sponsored by Colorado State University College of Agricultural Sciences, CSU Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, and Colorado Agricultural Organizations and Associations.
The 30th Ag Day barbecue features Colorado products such as lamb, beef, pork, beans, potatoes, apples, dairy products, wheat bread, melons, soft drinks, Colorado-brewed beer, and flowers.
Here are the details for Ag Day:
-The barbecue will be served prior to kickoff Saturday from 9:30-11:30 AM
-Live music from Bob Purcell and the Outriders!
-Purchase Ag Day barbecue tickets through TicketsWest
-Beer purchases limited to those 21 and over and not included in barbecue ticket price. All beer purchases go to the Ag Day scholarship fund.
-For additional questions, the Ag Day Office phone is (970) 491-6497.
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