CPW Relocates Loveland Bear to Boulder County
While not impossible, it's usually quite uncommon for bears to wander out as far as Loveland. However, as of recently, several residents have seen one roaming in the area. At the end of June, a bear was spotted during an afternoon at Benson Scuplture Garden, off of Taft Avenue and 29th Street. During the same week, another Loveland resident took a video of a bear that showed up in his yard in the Namaqua Hills neighborhood.
On July 1, Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers were able to capture the bear at a residence near U.S. 287 and Carpenter Road and safely tranquilize it. It was in a tree, so they had to lower it with a rope and catch it with a tarp, while also putting on a muzzle and tying two if its legs. During this time, CPW also installed an ID chip and ear tag for tracking purposes. The young bear was then loaded into a trailer and taken to Boulder County where it was released into the forest.
CPW believes this was the same bear that was seen by other residents in the area, and since the relocation, they have not received any more reports or calls of bears in Loveland.
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