Colorado State Forestry Service Seeks Donations To Help With High Park Fire Area
If you would like to help plant a tree or two in the High Park Fire area you can do just that and the animals will thank you. Your donation to the Colorado State Forest Service is tax deductible so if you want to plant some trees or just help buy some you can contact the Colorado State Forest Service with the information provided below.
Colorado State Forest Service reminds everyone that in the aftermath of destructive fires, such as the High Park Fire, reforesting burned land helps protect water supplies, restores wildlife habitat and reduces flooding and erosion.
You can help CSU eliminate these problems by donating to the "Restoring Colorado's Forests Fund" that was established specifically to provide tree seedlings that will be planted on lands most severely impacted by wildfires and other disasters.
Your donation is 100% tax deductible and used to pay for the seedlings to use on State and private land. For every $2 donation you'll purchase one seedling to be used in area's deemed most critical to water protection, wildlife habitats and public use/benefit.
You can make checks payable to the "CSU Foundation" and include "Restoring Colorado's Forests Fund" in the memo line at the bottom of your check. (Box 1870, Fort Collins CO, 80522-1870) Or you can click on the link directly below to use their secure online page to donate.
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