Are you surprised? (disclaimer: I'm not)

According to a new survey conducted by Forbes Advisor, Colorado ranks among the top three states when it comes to aggressive driving, commonly referred to as road rage.

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About The Study

To create its rankings list, Forbes Advisor analyzed 10 key metrics from a survey of 5,000 drivers across the U.S. to identify the states with the most confrontational drivers.

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The Findings 

As per the survey, Colorado drivers were the third most likely in the country to say they were followed by another driver who proceeded to exit their vehicle to yell at or fight with them (14%).

In addition, drivers in Colorado tie with other states including Alabama, Connecticut, and Washington as the fourth most likely to report being insulted or threatened by other drivers (46%). Not only that, more than half of survey respondents (52%) reported witnessing other drivers making rude or offensive gestures here in the state.

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When it comes to road rage-related injuries, Colorado is nearly tied with Missouri (which comes in 2nd overall); a quarter (25%) of Colorado drivers report they know of someone who sustained injuries following a road rage incident.

Out of a possible score of 100, Colorado received an overall score of 94.74. The only other

Additional Information 

Forbes' survey also revealed the following trends around aggressive driving in the U.S. :

  • Utah tops the list of states with the most confrontational drivers.
  • More than 1 in 5 drivers have seen someone cause an accident due to road rage.
  • 23% of drivers surveyed know of someone in their state who has been injured in a road rage incident.
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Driving Fatalities In Colorado

Colorado State Patrol (CSP) says that road rage isn't the only rising issue among Colorado drivers; lane violations and impairment are reportedly the primary causes of fatal crashes in the state in 2022.

“Of the fatal crashes investigated by the Colorado State Patrol from January through July 2022, 21.6% were caused by a driver traveling outside of their designated lane, and 18% were caused by a driver getting behind the wheel while impaired by alcohol, marijuana and/or other controlled substances,” a news release from CSP said.

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According to CSP, troopers have issued 2,936 citations statewide for impaired driving from January through July of this year.

“Law enforcement knows the telltale signs of impaired driving, like lane violations, and go out of their way to stop it because of the deadly consequences of this inexcusable choice to drive intoxicated,” Colorado State Patrol Matthew Packard said in the release, as per the Greeley Tribune.

“As a result, being arrested for impaired driving imposes some of the harshest penalties and will have a significant impact on a person’s life.”

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