When you think of disgusting insects, what comes to mind? If you said cockroaches, you would be correct. Easily one of the most detestable creatures on the face of this earth.


These nasty bugs can quickly and easily infest a home in a matter of days and ruin pretty much everything. Not to mention the sheer sight of them will make your skin crawl.

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Colorado is home to a lot of bugs and one of the most worrisome has to be the bloodsucking tick. But what about the infamous cockroach? Do they live and thrive in Colorado?

Do Cockroaches Live in Colorado?

In the United States, there are more than 50 species of cockroaches that can be found scurrying around. Thankfully there are not that many species in the state of Colorado. According to Colorado State University, there are only five likely species of cockroaches that live here.

Unfortunately, one of these five species in Colorado is said to be the most troublesome. The German cockroach is a light brown pest that is only about a half inch when fully grown. The German cockroach is usually found in Colorado buildings where food is either prepared or stored.

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This pest can also migrate from an infested area to a different location, causing yet another infestation. The German cockroach likes warm moist areas such as furnaces, bathroom sinks, and kitchen sinks.


Other types of cockroaches in Colorado include:

  • The American Cockroach - up to two inches in size.
  • Brownbanded Cockroach - this species has wings and can fly
  • Oriental Cockroach - This is considered to be the most repulsive cockroach as it has a strong odor.
  • Wood Cockroaches - usually found outdoors in wood piles and dead trees. Hence, the name "wood cockroach".

Colorado State University says if you think you may have cockroaches in your home, you should use the most effective way to get rid of them and that is by traps. Set the traps in areas like under the sink against the walls, in cabinets, and basement corners.

Learn more about the cockroaches of Colorado by visiting colostate.edu. 

10 Hacks to Keep Colorado Bugs Out of Your House

Warm weather is here and bugs are popping up everywhere. Here is how you can get rid of some of them.

Gallery Credit: Tanner Chambers

Don't Get Bitten: These Tiny, Painful Bugs are in Colorado

Tiny, biting arthropods live all over Colorado. They can include spiders, flies, bed bugs, mites, and even lice. If you've ever seen a bug bite or a skin irritation that you could not find the cause of, arthropods are a likely suspect. Scroll on to see the most common ones found in the Centennial State.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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