Clint Eastwood Spent His Monday Afternoon at a Colorado Bar and Grill
Stars — they're just like us!
No really, they are. Like when hunger hits, deciding to head to a local bar and grill to grab a bite to eat. Not only would a normal person do this, but so did legendary actor, Clint Eastwood, while in Colorado filming for an upcoming project on Monday.
You can bet the owners of Brix Sports Bar & Grill in Trinidad were a little shocked when they received a phone call from Warner Bros. on Sunday, asking if they would be able to open the restaurant for a private party for 50 people on the following day - featuring a very special guest of honor. Sure enough, when Monday rolled around, two tour buses and several other trucks and vans arrived at Brix, with none other than Clint Eastwood in tow.
Besides enjoying lunch (he had salmon), the famous filmmaker took the time to sign autographs and snap photos with staff members, as well as local police officers. According to 9News, 88-year-old Eastwood was in Trinidad working on a new movie that he is both directing and starring in, called The Mule.
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