Christmas Gifts I Have Kept for Over 30 Years
It is gift giving time. We all hope that the gift we give someone is something they will use right away or maybe even cherish for years to come. Usually the gifts are forgotten by the time the winter snow melts but some will stand the test of time like the train set pictured above. I have a handful of gifts I have received over the years that have stayed with me for decades. Here are a few long lasting Christmas gifts I have loved for years and years and still have today.
A Bowling Ball - I got this from my parents when I was a teenager and still have my Ebonite Black Beauty with my name engraved on it. I have had this baby for at least 40 years now. Might be time to toss the shoes though.
Bamboo Back Scratcher - This is the gift that keeps giving day after day. There are many back scratchers out there but the bamboo with the curved end my be the greatest itch reliever ever. I have had this baby for over 20 years.
Anything Minnesota Viking - My family has bought me something Viking every year of my life that I can remember and I don't believe I have ever thrown any of it away. If it is Viking it will stay with me forever. Many of these things are over 40 years old.
Table Top Hockey Game - I got one of those cheap hockey games with the Rangers and Flyers on it decades ago. My brother and I spent countless hours playing that game and I still pull it down from time to time. Another toy that has lasted for over 40 years.
Super Toe - This bad boy has brought hours of fun over the years. It originally came with a goal post you could put together but that got destroyed. Super Toe is still rocking in my room.
I think this list shows that I really never have grown up and that's why I do what I do for a living. The day I no longer find Super Toe and Table Top Hockey fun will be the day I am put in the dirt. I refuse to grow up and I am very cool with that. Let the child inside you come out and play this holiday season.
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