Bruce, in his 1970's heyday, looked more like Captain America than Chris Evans ever will. 

You'll see him at 1:00 into the video, bursting out of his skin. The flowing hair, the phenomenal physique. Yeah, all those guys in the race look fit, but more on the lean side. Bruce was muscly. Almost too bulky for a track star. The first time I saw him I recognized the archetypal image of what an American hero should look like. And he delivered. When I was two years old, he won the gold, and beat the hated Soviets.

They used to call the gold medal winner of the decathlon the "World's Greatest Athlete". Well, the former world's greatest male athlete really always wanted to be a woman. What a great realization for gender identity!

There is no better way to break barriers than to utterly smash them. He couldn't bring himself to do it then, but he's doing it now. That big, burly, strapping young lad, even as he did the things that we so associate with manliness, really, in his heart, felt like he should be a strapping young lass.

With conflict in his heart, he still was strong enough to slay the Soviet dragon. Mykola Avilov was the defending gold medal winner from 1972 at a time when Russia was dominating the Olympics and also, we feared, maybe taking over the free world. We weren't sure. But, we were a little frightened. It seemed like the only time we interacted with the big red country was when we either considered all out nuclear war, or faced them in a sport in the Olympics.

For Jenner to win that, at that time was just ground breaking. And, here he is, forty years later, still breaking ground.

Michael Sam came out as an openly gay pro football player. His career as a player may be short lived, but his place as the first person in any major American sport to come out before being drafted is secure.

Bruce, understandably, did not reveal anything about his gender identity back then. But since he is now, and has admitted that he was facing similar personal gender questions when he was the greatest athlete in the world, we can now set aside preconceived notions of what gender and sexuality mean to athletic performance.

It means nothing. Bruce Jenner proves that even a man that really wants to be a woman can be the strongest, fastest, and, world's greatest athlete.

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