Two bison babies were born north of Fort Collins earlier this month. According to Colorado State University, two cows in the Laramie Foothills Bison Conservation Herd calved on May 6 and May 10 on the Soapstone Prairie Natural Area.

The calves are the first American bison born in 150 years on this public land. They are the first bison calves born in the natural prairie setting since northern Colorado’s conservation herd was released at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area and Red Mountain Open Space on Nov. 1, 2015.

Colorado State University
John Eisele, CSU Photography

No one observed the births and no one was close enough during the newborns’ first week to determine their sex.  The new babies raised the herd’s headcount to 12. As many as five bison calves could be born this spring and early summer, including the two that already have arrived.

Colorado State University
John Eisele, CSU Photography

Birth of the calves coincided with President Obama’s signing on May 9 of the National Bison Legacy Act, which makes the American bison the official national mammal of the United States.

This YouTube video comes from Colorado State University:

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