Are You the Owner of This Lost, Angry Chihuahua Wearing a Christmas Sweater and Blue Pants?
A chihuahua wearing a Christmas sweater and blue pants was found wandering a park, and police are now searching for its owner.
As a chihuahua owner myself, I'm not only appalled that this chihuahua was left abandoned, but am left feeling even more confused as to why its owner would dress it in hideous blue pants that don't match the adorable sweater. But this is the reality we're working with, and police are trying to find whoever committed this fashion crime (and so they can be reunited with their pet).
The Bellevue Police Department in Washington posted this photo of the dog on Facebook with the message, "Is this your dog? Caught by Officer at Robinswood Park. Was wearing a sweater and blue pants, and very angry."
According to the New York Daily News, the chihuahua has since been placed in custody of a shelter, where it will become available for adoption should its owner never show up to claim it.
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