Soon, Colorado will have another California transplant and this one is not the usual resident from The Golden State. The soon-to-be new resident is not a human, it is a black bear.


This California black bear known as 65F is a female and has quite the rap sheet. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife confirms that this bear is responsible for at least 21 documented home break-ins and property damage in the South Lake Tahoe region since 2022. The bear's three cubs have also been her partners in crime during these hungry home invasions.

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Hank the Tank is Coming to Colorado

While the black bear from California may be a female, that didn't stop her from earning the nickname of "Hank the Tank". The nickname for the bear stuck based solely on her pudgy stature and overall roundness.


Why is Hank the Tank Coming to Colorado?

The bear officially known as 64F to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has been quite the mischievous animal over the past year with all of the home invasions and property damage. However, 64F's popularity and interest in the animal have sparked quite a unique outcome for the bear.

Normally, for bears with incidents such as Hank the Tank's, relocation usually means the behavior keeps going, just in a different and new area. Colorado Parks and Wildlife have the authority to approve only a single placement for a transfer like this and Hank the Tank is being authorized to come to Colorado.

Where Will This Troublesome Bear Live in Colorado?

Those that live in Bear Country in the state of Colorado need not worry about future invasions from a California bear named Hank the Tank. This bear will be relocated to The Wild Animal Refuge near Springfield, Colorado. The facility has agreed to care for Hank the Tank in the expansive facility. The Wild Animal Refuge will welcome Hank the Tank to the 9,752 acres of land located in Las Animas and Baca Counties.

To learn more about the new home of Frank the Tank, you can visit the Wild Animal Refuge at

As for Hank the Tank's offspring, they will be relocated to Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue in California. While the bear cubs are in the care of the Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue, they will undergo rehabilitation with the hopes of reversing the bad behaviors learned from the mamma bear. Sadly, it appears that one of the cubs has been severely injured from what could have been a vehicle strike earlier in August. All three bear cubs will be evaluated by a veterinarian.

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