2017 Greeley Lights the Night Parade Will Light Up Downtown Greeley
The Annual Greeley Lights The Night Parade is Saturday, November 25 at 5:30 pm in Downtown Greeley. It runs north on 9th Avenue from 15th Street to 7th Street. After the parade, stay at Lincoln Park for the lighting ceremony, tasty holiday goodies, and visits with Santa! Some entries include horses, bands, dance teams, and classic cars and every entry is lighted.
- Interested in having an entry in this years parade? Parade Entry Form 2017
- Would you like to be a sponsor for this years parade? Sponsorship Letter 2017
I will be announcing the parade in front of the Rio at the corner of 9th and 9th in Downtown Greeley. Thanks to my wife for taking these photos at last year's parade.
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