I have an iPhone 4s. No, I don't have the 5 yet!  I love it.  One of my favorite features of the phone is Siri.  If you don't have an iPhone, you have probably seen the commercials.  You can ask Siri about the weather, your schedule, how to get somewhere, and even for her to play you a song.  However, one of my favorite features of Siri is how she answers dumb questions. I have compiled my top ten questions for Siri and her funny answers. By the way, I have instructed Siri to call me "God of Thunder".


Me:  Guess What?

Siri:  You just got a shiny new iPhone!



Me:  What's my name:

Siri:  You're God of Thunder! That's what you told me anyway!



Me:  Knock Knock

Siri:  Who's there?  God of Thunder!  God of Thunder Who? God of Thunder, I don't do knock knock jokes.



Me:  Am I fat?

Siri:  No comment!



Me:  How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Siri:  A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.



Me:  Tell me a joke!

Siri:  I don't think you  would understand a joke in my language.  They're not funny anyway!



Me:  What's your favorite color?

Siri:  My favorite color is...Well I don't know how to say it in your language.  It's sort of greenish with more dimensions!



Me:  What are you wearing?

Siri:  Aluminosilicate silicate glass and steel, nice huh?



Me: Talk dirty to me.

Siri:  Your carpet needs vacuuming.



Me: I love you Siri!

Siri:  Oh, I bet you Say That to all your Apple products.


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